How to make money on internet.making mony on internet in sample ways.

 make money on intertet very easy ways.

Hi,viewer How are you,I am Rasel khan  jolfiger.welcome my blog.Today I will tell you aand explain that how to make money on internet in very easy ways.

so let's go and learn what those easy ways.

This easy way to uploading videos in youtube and income dollar. how to do,for that you have need some account.

1--you have a google or gmail you creat a gmail account.
any help you can see video for learn.To see video click the below red colour link address. when video play you must click subscribe. Because if you want get my next video,you need subscribe my channel.

2--After finished  your gmail account, you sine in your youtube by any browser  by those gmail aaddress.

3--Then you creat a youtube channel by uploading one video on see video click below red colour link address.

4.After finished creat youtube channel,upload some wonderful videos,and share different sosial miedia to increase view of your videos.

4--Then wait some week and increase view and subscriber of your channel.
 click red colour link  for see video.

5--when your channel has 3000 or more view,you applly for google adsense by your channel.

6---when google approval your request and then those video you uploaded next time view you get money everyday,for withdraw money google send yoou a form to add your bank account.

If my post give you some income idea, please follow me on google plus..For follow me you go to down on your page and look follow button, pllease click here.

So ok,see you again on my next post, if you follow me.
ta ta
allah hafiz
contract me--01939834378


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